Monday, August 15, 2005

Good Morning!! I woke up at 7:00am this morning after a restless night. We went out to dinner last night at Cafe de yaounde. I had a sea bass in a cream sauce and potatoes. It was so funny trying to order when the waiter didn't speak any English and I didn't speak any French. We returned to out apartments at 10pm and I was not tired at all!! I lied awake in my bed for hours. I woke up this morning to walk up Mt. Febe, one of seven mountains in Yaounde. Parts of it were steep while others weren't. A lot of people were out walking and running up and down the hill. We saw a group of soccer players running together. It was such a gorgeous walk. It has drizzled here everyday since arriving. Today is the same. Therefore, when we were walking up the mountain, parts were covered in a mist. Everything looked so beautiful. At the top, we were able to get a wonderful view of the city,

Yesterday, while I was moviing my furniture around, guess what I saw? Yup, my roommate, a greeen lizard!!! I yelled so loud when I saw that little creature running from behind the dresser. It was so nasty. I talked to our neighbor who has been here for a year and she tells me its normal and that they are good for the bugs! I think my little buddy is still under my dresser this morning. I just hope I don't see one of those things in my clothes or shoes!

I need to get going, but will write more later. The internet connection at our apartment is nice, but it logs you out every 2 minutes. I have posted pictures of Mt. Febe. I hope they are there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi again,
I am glad you had a great trip and I can imagine the experiences you are facing. I can imagine your wish of exactly describing your feeling in words so to be understood by all. Yeah, it is an experience you can’t compare to what you read unless you are there, a feeling that can’t really be summarized, and a feeling that gets you typing slower that your mind.
Your idea of a blog is amazing and I hope you keep up so some of us who have been away from Cameroon for a while can get actual facts of what is happening. Sorry you had to eat the bitter Ndole but hope you will get used to some other spicy and hot dish.
I loved the photos you took of the outskirts of Yaoundé and hope you had fun up the steep hill of Mont Fébe. Guess what! I am just experiencing the feeling of typing slower than my mind.
So when do you head to the beach in Kribi? What does the weather look like now? What is the talk of the day by the indigents? Have you been to any soccer game yet?
I hope to keep up with my comments and hope to read more from you.
Have fun.

~ Che ~

10:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL, Jen I can just imagine you meeting your little roommate for the first time. I didn't see any picture...but you will have to take pictures of your apartment, I am curious as to what this shower looks like??

8:57 PM  

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