The Kribi Beaches

I enjoy the varying geography of Cameroon, the jungles, the grasslands, the mountains, and even the beaches. For our three day weekend, I headed to the South Province ( I've been in 7 of the 10 Provinces) to the town of Kribi. We had a wondeful time swimming in the Ocean and observing the Lobe waterfalls ( which flow into the sea). It was great to get away from the hectic city to a small beach town. The people who live in Kribi were extremely friendly. It was aslo interesting to see how much the ocean influences daily life. Many people offered to cook us shrimp and fish, yet the majority of the people swimming in the beach were either foreign or Cameroonians with a lot of money. I've read that the water carries a relationship with the people.
Enjoy the pictures.
Awesome pictures! I think I'll pick one to use as wallpaper on the PC at work.
Talk to you this weekend.
Love, Dad
i am glad you are enjoying cameroon, i am a cameroonian-american, please make time to visit limbe and enjoy the volcanic beach. hope you keep having a great time, bye,
I am so jealous you could enjoy Kribi recently.
25 years ago I had the luck to be there as a sailor in amuch less populated town, but at least the beaches are looking that beautiful Thanks from Volker Germany
Those are great pictures!!!! I found them when I searched Google for a report on Cameroon.
Four years ago I had the opportunity to visit Kribi. And I still feel the breath taking scenery and the memory it left with me. It was simply wonderful, and thanks for creating this blog.I will consult it often. And say some of my experiences about the pace.
Hi Jenny!
Nice pics u got there...sure made a good impression on me... I am a transmission line engineer and would soon be visiting cameroon to work on the Kribi to Magombe transmission line... Being a non african, i'm quite skeptic of the place... Almost giving a second thought about going there...some insight into the living, political and safety conditions over there should help me big time... Awaiting ur reply and do keep the good work far Cameroon's looking quite good thru ur cam...take care....signing off
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